Friday, December 26, 2008

A New Adventure

Tuesday marks a grand day for me: I'll be heading down to Columbus, Ohio, to help my cousin with the final packing and cleaning before New Years. What, you ask, happens on New Years? She starts her new life with her husband in South Carolina and I'm coming along to help with the move. So what, besides the dropping of my Ohio social life and embarking to cities unseen makes this an adventure? The rest of my winter break between semesters (classes start again on January 20th) will be spent slowly road-tripping my way north from Charleston, South Carolina, stopping in the big areas of North Carolina (Charlotte, Raleigh) and any other little alcoves that catch my eye, back up to the frozen tundra of Ithaca, New York. It is my hope that on the way I'll get the intuition and input I need to finally decide where I want to live after I graduate college next December.
I'm throwing plans and agendas out the window and just heading to where the road takes me (or whatever friends I happen to have in said areas). Cruising north in the Soccer-Mom Van alone with only my GPS to guide me, I don't know what I'll find with the rising of a new sun and the dawning of a new year, but I guarantee you that I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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