Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Calm After the Storm

It's been a week now since I left London.
The plane rides home went, thankfully, without hitch. Sitting in JFK I had an interesting conversation with a girl from Texas whose name I didn't catch, which helped to pass the 4 hours I had between flights.
What will I miss most about London? The food and the beer. Don't read me wrong: I'm by no means an alcoholic, but those Brits know how to brew their beer. Was I sad to leave? Sure, but I didn't realize how happy I would be to see my family and just relax for a bit.
Of course looming in the near future was my cousin's wedding, which would take place in Columbus, OH, exactly one week after my feet returned to US soil. I went down on Thursday, which was the beginning of probably one of the most memorable weekends I've had in a long time. There's simply too much to put down here, but it was just the kind of getaway I needed to put reservations aside and have a good time: A conduit in which to recharge my batteries. It made me very happy to get to see my cousin stand with her man and take that last step towards life as a couple.
I thought I would be feeling more of a loss after leaving London, but I think it's been helpful to have these little things to look forward to: My cousin's wedding this past weekend, and a Cedar Point trip in a couple of days. It will be just the right kind of wind down before hanging my hat on the coat rack and returning to the real world. Then will begin that slow downward whirlwind into a reality of double majors, double jobs and half the time to get anything done.
Do I regret anything in this past month of vacation? Absolutely not.


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